Friday, January 7, 2011

Day #7

*Your zodiac signs and if it fits your personality*

I don't read my horoscopes like ever. When and if I do read them I take them lightly and think of it more as a fun thing then as true. My zodiac sign is Scorpio (Oct 30) and I'm not sure how much it fits my personality so here is a description I found online.

I think some of the things that the description says it accurate but some of it it weird. I do think that I am super controlling and actually can't stand being out of control in any aspect of my life. I think the whole paranormal and conspiracy theory stuff is super weird. One thing that the article did get right on is the fact that Scorpios are scared of failure. I am terrified of failure big time!! That is something that I don't share with many people and even my husband only found out a few years ago.

I think all in all the whole zodiac sign stuff is entertaining but nothing that I take seriously.

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