Friday, January 7, 2011

Day #6

*Write 30 interesting facts about yourself*

1) I consider myself a VERY loyal friend
2) I can't stand the smell, taste or sight (yes I said sight) of mustard
3) I have road rage...but I'm working on it
4) I think I'm a good listener and am ALWAYS there for my friends
5) I give good advice
6) I'm both book smart and street smart
7) Fiddler on the Roof is one of my favorite movies
8) sugar (candy and desserts) are my addiction
9) I read A LOT and don't mind being called a nerd because of it
10) I get my feelings hurt easily
11) I'm a cry baby (commercials, t.v. shows, conversations and songs) all make me cry!
12) I can be stubborn as hell
13) I'm terrified of bridges and ladders but not heights
14) I like expensive things so I save to get what I want
15) I'm spoiled by my husband and I don't think its a bad thing ;)
16) I work hard on EVERYTHING and have a great work ethic
17) I love high thread count sheets...they feel amazing on freshly shaved legs
18) I vacuum just about everyday
19) I never thought I could be in love with anyone as much as I am in love with my husband
20) I can be blunt at times but I always tell the truth
21) I LOVE to cook and bake
22) I am thinking about going back to school for my masters if I can get financial aid or a grant
23) I used to swim 20 laps every morning in the summer when I lived at my parents house
24) I don't drink often but margaritas are my go to drink
25) I'm a homebody and have no problem spending my spare time in the comfort of my house
26) I played clarinet for 9 years
27) I want to write a children's book one day
28) I'm slightly addicted to Facebook (I can admit it!)
29) I love watching 16 & Pregnant, Teen Mom and The Real Housewives series
30) I'm a grandma when it comes to staying up late...I can't do it! I go to bed early and wake up early always!

*Loving my life as a wife*

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