Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day #4

*Your views on religion*

Religion is such a touchy topic. I personally believe in God. I love everything that represents him and the fact that for my husband and myself having faith in religion is something that full fills us. I think people are entitled to their own opinion and view on religion and that I am defiantly NOT one to judge.

I don't preach or push my vies on religion on anyone. I hate when people do that to me and I don't think it is acceptable to do to anyone else.

Religion for me is something that makes me feel grounded. I love that its there to lean on when I needed and there in times when I least expect it. I grew up Christian and my husband grew up Catholic. Even though we are both two different religions (though similar) we both believe in God and are tolerant and understanding of each other.

I think religion is something great to have and believe in!!

*Loving my life as a wife*

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