Monday, January 3, 2011

Day #3

*Your views on drugs and alcohol*

I don't do drugs but I do drink (socially). I think that if someone chooses to drink and or do drugs then that is their decision but they should also be aware of the effects that doing something like that can do to their body and or decisions that they might make.

I feel more passionate about not doing drugs then I am about alcohol. All I have to do is look at one episode of "Intervention" and it scares me and grosses me out enough to make me NEVER want to even think about doing drugs. Drugs are so toxic I can't imagine why anyone would want to put that crap in their body! Nothing is appealing about doing drugs and I think that people who use them and then do something stupid and blame it on the drugs are stupid. They knew they were going to take the drugs and thats the beginning. I don't care what happens after they made that choice, sober or not!

Alcohol to me is okay in moderation. Going out with the girls one night a month or a glass of wine with dinner is always great! I do however strongly believe in NOT drinking and driving! It always amazes me when these celebrities get caught drinking and driving, when they have more than enough money to either take a limo everywhere or at least get a driver or a cab! If you know you're going to drink make it a point to arrange for a DD (designated driver).

All in all I feel like drugs and alcohol is a personal choice and a choice that should be made responsibly.

*Loving my life as a wife*

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