Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day #10

*Describe your first love and first kiss*

For me my first love and first kiss do not go hand in hand. My first kiss was Michael (Mikey) Marquez. We were in 3rd grade which is so funny to me and during class one day he kissed me and I remember spitting on my desk (I'm so mean!!). The teacher caught me and made me pull a card and when I tried to explain to her that Mickey had just kissed me she didn't listen! Its funny because I came from a small town so everyone knows everyone and everyone goes to Junior High and High School together and so all through the rest of our school days (up until college) Michael and I would always laugh about our "first kiss".

Now my first love is more complicated. I had had boyfriends before in high school nothing that I considered serious or marriage material and I was a late bloomer in the sex department. I actually didn't lose my virginity until college which by the way I am NOT embarrassed to say because for me sex was an important virtue and I honestly wasn't about to just give it up to anyone!

Anyway Marius Caloianu was my first love. We met my freshman year and SJSU and started dating. He was an out of state student who was originally from Connecticut. We were in love and for the most part happy. He made me laugh a lot, said the nice things that boyfriends say but he also had a bad temper. We dated for most of my Freshman year and then his step father died suddenly and he decided it would be best if he went back to Connecticut to be with his mom. So we tried the whole long distance thing and going into my Sophomore year things became tragic. He became abusive (when I would go and visit or he would come here), angry, jealous you name it. It is what it is and I'm glad that I got out of that situation. He found me on Facebook a year after we broke up and we actually continue to talk as friends and see how each other are doing to this day. He has since apologized for being such a jerk.

I learned a lot about love from him surprisingly. I learned what a good relationship was and and learned what a bad one was. I learned how to love someone unconditionally (even when things were bad) but I also learned that even if I love someone being with them in a bad relationship isn't always the best thing. He was someone I seriously loved and loved being around and having a good time especially when things were good. He's a good person can't fault him for turning into a jerk but I loved him and the love blinded me from seeing a lot of things. So Thanks Mar for letting me fall in love and know what its like and thanks for teaching me that I don't have to put up with anyones crap!!! :)

*Loving my life as a wife*

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